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Forms and Documents


Declarations and Bylaws


The legal copy of the declarations and bylaws of the association.



CICAA - Common Interest Community Association Act, which will allow the HOA to modernize the bylaws.



Violation Escalation Procedure


This letter explains the escalation process for violations that go unresolved after receiving a notice.



Improvement/Modification Form


Complete this form if you are planning to install a fence, patio, pool, shed, or other permanent installments requiring a permit from the city.



Nomination Form


Complete this form if you would like to be considered as a candidate for the HOA Board of Directors.  Your name will be added to the ballot ahead of the next meeting.



Meeting Downloads


Minutes from each meeting can be downloaded from this page.  To view available treasury reports, budgets, proposals, and to pay your annual assessments online, please log into the Resident Portal.



June 24th - Download

March 4th - Download



November 6th - Download

September 14th - Download

April 20th - Download



(coming soon)



(coming soon)


(no meetings during the pandemic)



December 19th - Download

October 24th - Download
June 27th - Download

March 28th - Download



October 4th - Download

May 7th - Download

March 1st - Download



December 4th - Download

August 31st - Download

May 22nd - Download
February 27th Download N/A



November 21st - Download

August 22nd - Download

May 23rd - Download

Resident Portal


Login Required

Click here to download available treasury reports, budgets, and proposals.



Frequently Asked Questions


What does the Association do?


The association has the power to enforce rules specific to our subdivision as laid out in the declarations and bylaws.  They also collect an annual fee used to fund landscaping, general upkeep of the common areas, capital projects, and other member benefits (including this website).


If you want to find out more, please come to a meeting!  The HOA meets quarterly in a public setting and will livestream when possible.


It is not the association's responsibility to enforce the law or to provide emergency services.  If a crime is being committed or you are in an emergency, dial 9.1.1.


What do I need to do to install a fence, patio, deck, shed, or swimming pool?


Once you measure the layout of your property, including where your improvements will be installed, complete an Improvement form and submit it for approval.


Completion of this step is necessary so that the city of Joliet will approve the necessary permits to allow construction.


What are the rules regarding lawn care?


Take care of your lawn!  The declarations state grass and weeds should not exceed 6" in height and that your property is maintained. 


Tall grass is not only an eyesore, but it encourages burrowing by field mice and rabbits.


If you have already talked to a neighbor but their lawn is in violation of the Joliet municipal code, you may register a complaint with the city and they will have the lawn cut.


Who take care of potholes, downed trees, and street lights?


The City of Joliet is responsible for public roadways, parkway trees (located between the street and sidewalk), and street lights.  You can report issues to the city using the Citizen VUE app (available for iPhone and Android)


Homeowners are expected to take care of their properties, including easements and parkway grass.

Kearney Glen
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